microsoft 365
We offer professionals interactive Microsoft 365 learning programs that BOOST PRODUCTIVITY, drive high performance, and support elevated success.
People Tank brings the expertise of top Microsoft specialists to deliver dynamic, interactive, and practical training across all Microsoft 365 applications, for every skill level. We offer courses both in-person and virtually, providing the flexibility that fits your business needs.
Customised Training to Suit Your Team!
We tailor each course to meet your specific requirements, starting with an assessment of your team’s skill levels to ensure the training is precisely targeted. Before we begin, your facilitator will meet with you to discuss your key objectives and align the training to achieve the best outcomes.
whats in
The Tank?
An Introduction to
Microsoft 365
This course introduces Microsoft Office 365 for Business, providing an overview of the Office 365 Champions program, the platform, and an introduction to cloud computing. You'll gain essential skills to collaborate effectively, with a particular focus on Office 365's collaborative tools.
Microsoft PowerPoint:
This course aims to give a presentation user an advanced understanding of Microsoft PowerPoint, building on the fundamentals and creative aspects of Microsoft PowerPoint. It’s focused on the advanced structural aspects, animations and final presentation types with PowerPoint.