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Get a front row seat for custom crafted workshops, geared to
improve today's learning experience.


We aim to be different, and our Visual Facilitation series gives a creative edge to learning.


The masterclass offers customers an opportunity to learn how to bring your sessions to life through creative displays, and we do this virtually and in person.


We also go the extra mile to integrate visual facilitation into our programs as and when you want to add that special touch to your Leadership or Professional Development program. If you want that added spark to get increased participation and engagement, we’ve got you covered. 


In this series you’ve also got a dedicated program for new trainers in your businesses wanting to perfect delivery and learn the best techniques on facilitating programs.

whats in 

The Tank?

People Tank icon

Visual Communication 

A masterclass like no other. Bring your training experience to life with this highly interactive workshop. Equip participants with the skills and art form of visual facilitation.

People Tank icon

the Trainer

In this specialised workshop trainers will elevate their skills in training and facilitation to improve upon the key deliverables for your audience.

People Tank icon

the Trainer

In this specialised workshop trainers will elevate their skills in training and facilitation to improve upon the key deliverables for your audience.

People at whiteboard together working on a strategy

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

Steve Jobs

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